Terms and Conditions
General terms and conditions of BVs falling under Ron Peters Holding BV
Registered office in Klazienaveen, De Gantel 12 7891 XA Klazienaveen.
Ron Peters Holding and its subsidiaries advise and assist companies, governments and organizations in every other way on a daily basis. This operational, technical-economic, strategic and organizational advice, practical research, information and guidance of agricultural and horticultural companies, small and medium-sized companies, organizations, governments and companies is done by telephone, in writing and with a company visit.
Because Ron Peters attaches great value to good advice and guidance, she also finds it important that there are clear 'rules of the game'. For her and for you. These rules are set out below in the General Terms and Conditions of De Ron Peters Holding and its subsidiaries as filed with the Chamber of Commerce.
In these terms and conditions we speak of Ron Peters Holding BV and its subsidiaries BV's falling under Ron Peters Holding BV
Hereafter all to be named: Ron Peters,
1. General
- These terms and conditions apply to all quotations and offers from and all agreements with Ron Peters Holding with regard to services, such as advice, information, research and sale of movable property by Ron Peters. These terms and conditions also apply to all (legal) acts prior to or for the implementation of quotations, offers and/or agreements.
- These conditions also apply to all agreements with Ron Peters, for the implementation of which Ron Peters uses the services of third parties.
- Deviations from these terms and conditions only apply insofar as they have been agreed explicitly and in writing by the parties.
2. Quotation/order
- All quotations and/or offers are without obligation, unless it is expressly stipulated that they are irrevocable, and - unless expressly stipulated otherwise - are valid for fourteen days, counting from the date of the quotation and/or offer.
- Agreements are only concluded by written acceptance by Ron Peters of an assignment, or by the execution of an assignment by Ron Peters.
- The scope of the work under an agreement is determined by the quotation, including the changes that are made in consultation afterwards.
3. Prices
- The prices stated by Ron Peters are exclusive of turnover tax (VAT) and other levies imposed by the government.
- In the event of increases in the net prices, the customer will be entitled to cancel the agreement, provided that he informs Ron Peters of this in writing within fourteen days of becoming aware of it. The customer is not entitled to compensation in the event of cancellation.
4. Execution of the agreement
- The agreement will be executed within the (estimated) term stated in the quotation in consultation with the customer, unless this proves to be unreasonable. In the event that the term threatens to be exceeded, Ron Peters will consult with the customer as soon as possible. However, Ron Peters will not be in default by merely exceeding the term without notice of default.
- With the conclusion of an assignment agreement, Ron Peters commits himself to no more than striving for a result that is useful to the customer when carrying out the assigned work.
- Ron Peters bases its advice on the application of crop protection and fertilization advice on the applicable legal provisions (statutory instructions for use, fertilizer decree, etc.). experiments. Ron Peters advises to the best of his knowledge and according to current knowledge, which also means that Ron Peters cannot guarantee unknown harmful consequences that have arisen as a result of the recommended use at the time of the advice.
- With regard to non-publicly accessible data from the customer that Ron Peters receives in the context of the implementation of the agreement, Ron Peters will observe confidentiality, in the sense that Ron Peters will never disclose this data as directly traceable to the customer. A more far-reaching confidentiality obligation will only apply if this has been expressly agreed in writing.
- Research results will be made public on an anonymous basis, unless written confidentiality has been agreed at the request of the customer, whereby the confidentiality period will be a maximum of one year after the delivery/invoicing date.
- Any duty of confidentiality on the part of Ron Peters does not apply insofar as it would act in conflict with Ron Peters' legal duties and obligations.
5. Customer Obligations and Responsibility
- In the case of testing samples, the customer is responsible for the selection, representativeness and timely availability of samples to Ron Peters.
- In the case of advice by Ron Peters regarding the use of plant protection products, fertilization, etc., the actual application or use, storage and preservation are beyond the control of Ron Peters. This means that the correct implementation of the advice provided falls entirely under the responsibility of the customer.
- The customer accepts that the chance of misunderstandings in the interpretation of the question or in the interpretation of the advice in the case of telephone advice is not imaginary and that the risk of incorrect interpretation of the question or incorrect interpretation of the advice is for his account.
6. Delivery, Risk and Title
- Movable goods are delivered from the place of business of Ron Peters with which the contract is concluded and the risk in these goods passes to the customer from the moment of delivery.
- In case of delivery of movable property, Ron Peters remains the owner of all items delivered to the customer, until the purchase price for all these items has been paid in full.
- The copyright as well as all other intellectual or industrial property rights to advice and information provided are vested exclusively in Ron Peters .
7. Payment
- Payment must be made within fourteen days of the invoice date. Ron Peters will send the customer an itemized invoice for this purpose.
- If the client does not agree to automatic collection of the invoice amount, a fee for administration and collection costs will be due in addition to the invoice amount.
- If no fixed price is included in the order confirmation or agreement, it is agreed between the parties that the amount to be paid by Ron Peters will be determined by subsequent calculation based on the rates and methods customary at Ron Peters.
- Ron Peters reserves the right to send invoices periodically. Ron Peters may at all times require payment in advance, even if this is not included in the order confirmation or agreement.
- In the event of late payment, without notice of default being required, the statutory interest is due from the due date as well as all costs incurred in connection with the collection.
- The other party cannot invoke compensation, deduction or suspension in the event of payment.
- If an appointment agreed between Ron Peters and the client for a company visit, etc., is canceled by the client within 24 hours prior to the time of the appointment, the client will owe 50% of the hourly rate. The Client will receive an invoice for this.
8. Liability
- Ron Peters is only liable for damage that is the direct result of a shortcoming attributable to Ron Peters in the performance of its obligations. If Ron Peters is liable on the basis of the contractual liability referred to in the previous sentence and/or on any other basis, Ron Peters is only liable for direct damage suffered by the customer up to a maximum amount of € 4500 or up to a maximum of the amount that the customer owes under the agreement if this amount is higher with a maximum of € 9000. This direct damage also includes damage that the customer incurs when applying or using the product. result of Ron Peters' work suffers; however, not the possible loss of profit of the customer that may result from this.
- Ron Peters is not liable for damage of any nature whatsoever caused by Ron Peters relying on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the customer.
- In no event will Ron Peters' liability exceed the amount that is eligible for payment under the business and professional liability insurance it has taken out.
- The customer indemnifies Ron peters and/or the persons engaged by Ron Peters for the implementation of the agreement against all claims from third parties on account of damage suffered by these third parties arising from the application or use of the work of Ron Peters by the customer or another person to whom the customer has made the results of the work available, unless there is intent and/or gross negligence on the part of Ron Peters and/or the persons engaged by Ron Peters in the performance of the agreement.
9. Complaints
- The customer can no longer rely on the fact that what has been delivered does not comply with the agreement if he/she has not notified Ron Peters of this in writing within a reasonable time after he/she discovered this or should reasonably have discovered this.
- Complaints with regard to invoices, externally observable defects in the delivered goods and inaccuracies or deviations from the assignment that can reasonably be observed upon taking note of advice must be submitted in writing to Ron Peters within four weeks of the invoice date, failing which any appeal to these shortcomings and/or inaccuracies are cancelled.
10. Dissolution
- Ron Peters will be entitled to dissolve the agreement and to demand compensation from the customer for the damage suffered as a result, in the event that the customer imputably fails to meet his obligations, if he/she applies for suspension of payment, is declared bankrupt , if the customer dies, or - in the case of a legal entity - it is dissolved, or if the customer's company is liquidated.
11. Applicable law and competent court
Only Dutch law applies to agreements with Ron Peters.
All disputes will in the first instance be settled by the competent court in Assen, unless Ron Peters prefers the court at the location of the customer's place of business or place of residence, or mandatory law prescribes otherwise.