"Futuregrowing“, the future, our future, it has already begun…
In your head you are already working on it, the future and the cultivation in it. You just don't know yet which direction your future will take. But that it is moving in a direction of less of everything, that is certain. Less energy, less water consumption, less chemicals, less burden on our planet.
But there are more mouths to feed, and that food comes from less use of our planet's surface area, simply because space has become scarce. Just like the water and the electrical energy.
What Leafy greens can do for you in this
The challenge of getting started with this has led us to make year-round cultivation possible on “water”.
Something that is not new in itself, but which is very difficult, to the point of impossible, was growing on "deep flow". The connoisseur among us knows what is meant. The impossible, the problem of something that should be the best cultivation system, but has so far failed.
From "exudate” or the pollution in the water caused by the cultivation of service. Whether it's spinach grown on water or lettuce, or herbs. Sooner or later, every crop will die from the exudate, which makes growing on water impossible.
And this is where the future of the new cultivation on water begins. A cultivation method has been developed in our experimental garden that makes it possible to cultivate on the same water twelve months a year.
Just imagine, year round producing baby leaf spinach, baby leaf lettuce, lettuce, herbs, all on the same water (non stop).
In Summary
So to grow in such a way that you do not see your crops decrease very slowly and your kg production is declining, no, a tight line, of equal production and quality.
You are an entrepreneur with a calculator, do the math. A harvest round every 18 days. How easy does it become to run a company in an organizational way, to plan sales, to calculate a cost price. All this is now within reach with NSG: “non stop growing”.
Impossible? Disbelief ? Watch the videos made at our experimental garden. The spinach and lettuce growing in water in which the "green" leafy vegetables have been grown week after week.
Not convinced? Make an appointment with us and come see it with your own eyes.
The future, you don't want to miss it!