Virus and problems of this sensitive subject
Over the years, our company has built up a database of knowledge and experience in viruses. This has been made possible due to the fact that we have been growing cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops since 2009 which are grown solely for the purpose of finding virus-resistant varieties against viruses and associated diseases such as mildew, etc.
This process is like one perpetuum mobile. It keeps going. The varieties are improving, but when has an optimum been reached? An optimum is never reached. In our production-driven crops, with an increasing demand for greenery, vegetables and fruit, the hunt for better will always continue.
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The same is true for vegetable production companies. In their pursuit of optimisation, other things play a role than just a good variety. These companies will also have to be “clean”. to be . That has been and has become a “game changer” for most tomato companies. The need to enlist help from third parties who do have experience
with both the virus and in growing yourself, as well as in cleaning and keeping the production greenhouses. This knowledge is of course present with us, and is used to help companies that have to deal with or think they will get out of trouble with a virus such as TOBRFV.
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With a track record of we think we can have more than 2000 hectares of experience in the virus problem say:
for virus problems you have come to the right place at Ron Peters. For an explanation of the virus, learning to understand it, cleaning your company and keeping your company clean. We'll take you further.
Our company is not tied to any supplier or supplier. So free to independently give our opinion and advice what suits you without benefiting yourself financially.
So if you are looking for a trial location to legally grow ToBRFV (there is no other) or if you are looking for help to make progress in cleaning your greenhouses, you know who to approach.
Because at the end of the song it's about the three Ks:
– Kilos, Quality and Cost.